Kevin Shields / シールズ慶敏

英会話講師歴 10年

青山学院大学 英米文学科卒


英検1級 TOEIC 925点

英語 中学校教諭1種免許状・高等学校教諭1種免許状取得


特技 ダンス、ピアノ、ジャグリング、スノーボード

趣味 ゲーム、三味線




Nina Lenciano / ニナ レンジャノ


Nina is a highly experienced English teacher who has worked in Japan for many years. She is a fluent English speaker and is highly qualified and experienced in teaching English to students of all ages and levels. She has a passion for teaching and enjoys helping her students to improve their English skills and achieve their goals.